The Great Get Together

The Great Get Together

HTS  and our supplier Jewsons supported “The Great Get Together” which took place in the hope to combat loneliness in the community which effects all ages. HTS had a free of charge tombola stall with over £100 worth of goodies!
HTS 3 Peaks Challenge

HTS 3 Peaks Challenge

Just an early heads-up that we have decided (some may say foolishly) to follow in the famous footsteps of Raff’s Peddlers bike ride and Mount Snowdon climb charity event last year with an attempt at the National Three Peaks Challenge which involves climbing the three...
A Cracking Easter

A Cracking Easter

In March 2018, one of our Recruitment agencies Adecco asked if we could possibly donate an Easter Egg or two to help give the poorly children on Dolphin Ward over at Princess Alexandra Hospital an amazing Easter. Adecco successfully raised over 100 Easter Eggs for...