At HTS we welcome and recognise the positive impact Apprenticeships bring to employers, individuals, and the economy.

This week HTS’s most recent apprentices, Haydon and Michael caught up with us to share experiences during their first year of Carpentry Apprentice at HTS.

This is what they had to say:
Hayden – I’m really enjoying it here at HTS, I’m always learning new things from various people, and I have a great mentor.

Michael – I’m learning all aspects of Carpentry here and enjoy my 1 day at Harlow College learning the theory-based work too. I’m looking forward to qualifying and becoming a fulltime carpenter at HTS and growing with the business.

We also asked if they had any advice for our anyone considering becoming an apprentice here at HTS and both said “do well at school, get the best grades you can. When you start your apprenticeship concentrate and listen to everyone that is willing to teach you. Learn other people’s techniques as well as finding your own way and you will do well”

Good luck to Michael, Hayden and rest of our apprentices we love having you working with us and appreciate all you do for us.