Supporting the future of Quantity Surveying – Last week our HTS Quantity Surveyor, Jake Thoburn went along to support a careers fair for an afternoon at Pemberley Academy Primary School.

Jake said,

“ I actually really enjoyed it, it’s not often you talk about what it is that you do on a day to day basis and being asked to describe the average day of a QS was strangely quite challenging. It got me talking about what areas of my job I both like and dislike, what I had to do to get here, and it helped me see how far I’ve come as a QS which is always nice to reflect on. I did feel me being there talking to these pupils made quite an impact. I do think that even though these pupils age range was quite young, there were a few of them that asked questions that showed they were seriously thinking about a future career in the Construction Industry and took notes on everything I was saying which was great to see”.

The aim of the day was to provide the pupils with answers to questions they had about different careers so they can see whether it’s something they are personally well suited to, and what subjects they need to focus on in order to gain the qualifications required.