When you receive a complement from Councillor Nicky Purse on National Staff Appreciation Day you have to share.

A massive well done and thank you to Laszlo Olah, Nathan Hawkins, Ren Hummerston, and Brian Bradley from our Environment Team for coming to assist with a Lorry Fire on Thursday 2nd March.

Veolia and #teamhts worked together to dispatch the waste from the vehicle which stopped the fire becoming more serious.

Cllr Purse said “I would like to thank the teamwork from both Veola and HTS for the speed in which they cleaned the street directly after the fire crews had extinguished the fire. Sometimes we forget how hard the environment team work to keep our streets, housing estates, litter and waste free”

More information on the fire can be found in the articles below:

#team #teamwork #thankyou #environment #fire #appreciation